

Abstract Open Book

For Central Dauphin School Board

Working for Our Children

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About Me

Karenmay Marshall holds a Bachelor's degree in marketing and Human Resources from Seton Hill University. She has worked in the Insurance industry for over 12 years. Karenmay lives in West Hanover with her husband and their two children, both attending the Central Dauphin School District.

Why I am Running

I have decided to be a candidate for the Central Dauphin School Board of Directors because of my interest in preserving and improving the quality of our school system. I want to represent my community and ensure that they have a voice in making education and administrative decisions. I also hope to help influence the district budget.

The purpose of public education stems back to the three most important ways public education transforms students, which are:

  1. To develop a productive workforce which helps drive the economy.
  2. To create informed citizens in our community.
  3. To provide for social mobility.

Public education prepares students to live a productive life and become good citizens, while obeying the social and legal rules of society.


Voters have asked and I am answering! When meeting voters, I often get asked the same questions over and over so I thought it would be helpful to provide some answers. Don't see your question? Send us a message and ask!

Who Funds Schools in Pennsylvania (PA)?

Schools are funded with a combination of federal, state, and local government funds. In PA, the federal share of education funding is approximately 11%; the state pays nearly 36% and the 53% comes from local taxes, typically property taxes.

Who is Karenmay Marshall?

In the words of Meredith Brooks, "I’m a little bit of everything all rolled into one." Karenmay Marshall is a daughter, niece, wife, mother, aunt, godmother, neighbor, a child of God.

What makes Karenmay Marshall the best candidate for this position?

I am passionate about Central Dauphin School District (CDSD) and views my role as a future school board member as an excellent way to give back to the community. If elected to the school board, I will approach my role on the board as someone who asks questions, reviews data, and relies on relevant educational research before making decisions.

How many people are on your campaign team?

We are a team of 3. Amber Allsup, is my Chairperson, Natasha Dexter is my Treasurer and Communications Manager and Karenmay Marshall, the candidate.

Where did your campaign money come from?

My Pre-primary campaign Financial Expense Reports are on file with the Dauphin County Bureau of Registration and Elections. Every dollar I have raised has come from donors I know personally! I have worked hard at running a clean campaign and I am very proud of my fundraising efforts.



Budget Conscious

As part of the school board, one of the most significant responsibilities I will have is to approve the annual budget and make sure I align the expenses with the goals and vision set by the school board.

Property Taxes money

Not Raising Property Taxes

Ninety-eight percent of schools in PA had to raise taxes for the upcoming school year (2023-2024) to provide an adequate education. That is 490 out of 500 school districts, CDSD is part of the 2 percent that did not have to raise taxes this year. I will work to continue to suggest and vote for our district to use committed and assigned General Fund balances and prior fiscal year’s surplus funds prior to requesting a referendum exception to raise taxes. I will continue to ensure that we continue to use designated funds timely or use it to balance the preliminary budget prior to requesting to increase taxes for the same types of expenditures.


Safe School Environment

Feeling safe and valued is vital for a child’s development. Children learn best when they feel safe and valued. Mistakes should also be painted in a positive light. When a student makes a mistake, educators should go over what went wrong and provide the student with resources, knowledge and tools to improve. Learning suffers when students fear for their safety, worry about being bullied, or don’t sense their teachers have high expectations for their success. In a healthy, supportive climate, students are engaged and take intellectual risks. They follow well-established rules and norms for behavior that their teachers and school leaders model and maintain. Such a community is characterized by positive relationships between teachers and students where all students feel they belong. In a nurturing culture, educators and family members share candid exchanges based on mutual interests and respect. Their social and emotional needs are part of the equation, too.


connect with me

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717-585-0781 or
